Garcinia cambogia:

a plant species as a therapeutic resource against obesity?


  • Ana C. S. Santos Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Michelle S. Alvarez Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Priscila B. Brandão Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Ary G. Silva Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis


Obesity is nowadays a worldwide public health problem with a high and growing prevalence in both developed and developing countries. The nutritional transition is a sequential changing process in the nutritional and the food-consuming patterns that are consequence of economic, social, and demographic changes, as well as of changes in the population health profile. This paper aims to do an approach on the scientific consistent support for the use of Garcinia cambogia Roxb. extract based phytomedicines of free trade, and its application on the obesity treatment. Garcinia extract is obtained from their fruit pericarp, and the main constituent is the (-)-hydroxicitric acid (HCA) that competitively inhibits the citrate liase, an extra mitochondrial enzyme that catalyses the cleavage of citrate into acetylCoA and oxalacetate. This is a fundamental step for lipogenesis initiation, and HCA intake had shown significant inhibition of both in vitro and in vivo lipogenesis ratio in rodent liver, fat tissue and smooth intestine. However, it was not still proofed in human beings. The only use for HCA as an antiobesity agent seems to be its property of diminishment of starvation and food intake, since it had shown an anorexigen effect. For HCA to be taken as an effective antiobesity metabolic agent, it should promote a stimulant effect on skeleton muscle, on total fat oxidation or on calories consumption, but it is not still proofed.


Dihydroxicitric acid, Herbal medicine, Lipogenesis, Anorexigen, Fat acid


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How to Cite

Santos, A. C. S., Alvarez, M. S., Brandão, P. B., & Silva, A. G. (2007). Garcinia cambogia:: a plant species as a therapeutic resource against obesity?. Natureza Online, 5(1), 37–43. Retrieved from

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