The vascular flora over rock at Alto Misterioso, a prioritzed area for Atlantic Forest conservation in Espírito Santo State southeastern Brazil


  • Clara P Esgario Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • André P Fontana Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Ary G Silva Centro Universitário Vila Velha


Rock outcrops are usually found at southeastern Brazil landscapes, and shows a peculiar flora. They represent a sharp barrier to many species, because of its low water and nutrient retention, and of the few alternatives for root and seed. These factors may be considered relevant for the biology and the evolutionary process of the species that occur in those areas. This paper aims to elaborate a floristic checklist of vascular plants from the rock outcrop at Alto Misterioso. Monthly trips for plant collection were made from 2006, July up to 2007, September. The most species reach families were Orchidaceae (28), Asteraceae (24); Melastomataceae (15) e Bromeliaceae (11).


campo rupestre, altitudinal fields, inselberg, rock outcrop


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Author Biography

André P Fontana, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Centro de Referência de Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas – CRAD.


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How to Cite

Esgario, C. P., Fontana, A. P., & Silva, A. G. (2009). The vascular flora over rock at Alto Misterioso, a prioritzed area for Atlantic Forest conservation in Espírito Santo State southeastern Brazil. Natureza Online, 7(2), 80–91. Retrieved from

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