Spatial and temporal distribution and diet of Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock,1828) (Siluriforme, Callichthydae) in the Draga river, Vila Velha, ES


  • Filipe N. Caldeira Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Bruno F. Silva Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Fabrício S. Sá Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Ary G. Silva Centro Universitário Vila Velha


Hoplosternum littorale is a typical fish flooded that it is extended of the Amazonian Basin until Argentina. In the River of Draga its distribution was observed secular space and the composition of its alimentary diet. Throughout ten months you show to the H. littorale great diversity in the alimentary composition, presenting itself as one onívoro.Its alimentary habits present categories of different item of studies made in its natural habitat. Another analyzed factor was to the adaptation and the distribution of the species throughout the river. Exactly being in antropic environment, lines of exploration of separate niches had been observed when it is about youthful and adult individuals, diminishing the intra-specific competition between categories. The collected individuals had presented average length and average weight of 14,38cm and 67,8g e in its stomachal content about 2,5g alimentary item. The search for sheltered areas, distant of the antropic points more, was the main observed factor, where it has a bigger observed specimen concentration where it has greater concentration of offered resource. Result this that helps to demonstrate a bioindicador of degradation in rivers of Atlantic forest.


Alimentary composition, Omnivorous, Antropization, Habitat, Atlantic Forest


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How to Cite

Caldeira, F. N., Silva, B. F., Sá, F. S., & Silva, A. G. (2007). Spatial and temporal distribution and diet of Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock,1828) (Siluriforme, Callichthydae) in the Draga river, Vila Velha, ES. Natureza Online, 5(2), 96–101. Retrieved from

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