Diversity of understory vegetation and litter cover in mosaics of Mata de Tabuleiro and Mussununga on Vale Nature Reserve, Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil


  • André Luiz P Barroso Universidade Vila Velha
  • Carlos Moacir Colodete Universidade Vila Velha
  • Levy C Gomes Universidade Vila Velha


The understory is the vegetation found in forests interiors, below canopy level, that form an important niche for local vegetation, especially in Atlantic Forest regions. This vegetation influents the contribution and degradation of litter, that determines the availability of resources and production of biomass. This works objective was to evaluate if litter coverage affects understory diversity between Mussununga and Tabuleiro Forest. Our hypothesis is that litter coverage interferes with understory diversity between Mussununga and Tabuleiro Forest. The study was developed in one area of Tabuleiro Forest (19°08’28.9”S 40°04’00.8”W) and two areas of Mussununga (19°08’28.9”S 40°04’00.8”W and 19°09’07.7”S 40°03’39.8”W ), all situated inside Vale Natural Reserve, Linhares, Espírito Santo state. All understory plants were collected, with a height between 0.5 and 2 meters, that came into contact with the collector and collecting only one sample per plant. 20 paths were traced inside one Tabuleiro Forest area and 10 paths in each Mussununga areas, and each path was10 meters long with 20 meters of space between each other. This way morphospecies (ME) richness and abundance were found and indexes of Shannon diversity, Jaccard and equability were calculated. A grid, measuring 50x50cm and containing 25 compartments with 10x10cm each, was made to measure the litter coverage percentage at the start and end of each path. The average coverage values of the two areas were then compared by t test (R v3.1.1 software). The results were 93% coverage with 44 ME for Mussununga and 60% coverage with 64 ME for Tabuleiro Forest. These results could be due to, not quantitative properties, but qualitative properties of litter, like lignin amount in leaves, Carbon/Nitrogen ratio and specific tannins. In addition to physical characteristics of the environment, such as soil porosity and temperature. All these factors hinder the degradation of organic matter and favor the accumulation of litter for prolonged periods, even in regions with less diverse vegetation.


understory, litter, Mussununga, Tabuleiro Forest, diversity


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Author Biographies

André Luiz P Barroso, Universidade Vila Velha

Bolsita FAPES de Mestrado; Laboratório de Ecologia da Matéria Orgânica (LEMO); Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV.

Carlos Moacir Colodete, Universidade Vila Velha

Bolsista FAPES de Doutorado; Laboratório de Ecologia da Matéria Orgânica (LEMO); Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV.

Levy C Gomes, Universidade Vila Velha

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV. Professor Titular, Bolsista de produtividade científica do CNPq, Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada.


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How to Cite

Barroso, A. L. P., Colodete, C. M., & Gomes, L. C. (2014). Diversity of understory vegetation and litter cover in mosaics of Mata de Tabuleiro and Mussununga on Vale Nature Reserve, Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Natureza Online, 12(5), 245–249. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/228