Activity pattern for medium and large mammals from the Cerrado domain
The Cerrado, a vast tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil, is considered a biodiversity hotspot and the high rates of destruction have been changing its natural environments. Conservation actions for wildlife are complex because some species change their activity patterns when facing anthropogenic disturbances in order to maximize their energy use. This change generates high fitness and persistence in the environment. Therefore, the present work shows that three species, Dasyprocta leporina, Dasyprocta prymnolopha and Nasua nasua, presented predominant diurnal habits, while two species, Cerdocyon thous and Didelphis albiventris, presented nocturnal habits. Furthermore, Didelphis marsupialis is predominantly nocturnal and Mazama gouazoubira presents a “catemeral” habit. These patterns are related to environmental changes and its consequent threats, which influence behavior patterns for protection against predators and hunting pressure, since nocturnal habit was evident for four of the seven species.
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