Initial development of Lafoensia glyptocarpa Koene under different shading levels


  • Cláudia L. Kroling Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Cláudia M. Braz de Oliveira Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Roberto A. Bernardo Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Valdir G. Demuner Museu de Biologia Professor Mello Leitão
  • Selma A. Hebling Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis


The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of four shading levels (0, 45, 75 and 90%) on the initial development of Lafoensia glyptocarpa, a semedecidual plant characteristic of the Atlantic Rainforest, occurring in primary as well as secundary forests. The study were carried out in green houses, in Santa Tereza, ES, Brazil, from May to October, 2004. The plants were submitted to the treatments when they were a month old and monthly measures of the leaf area, shoot height and diameter of the base stem were taken. In the beggining and at the end of the experiment the shoot dry weight were also analyzed, besides the chlorophyll a and b contents. It was verified that there was significant growth in height in all levels of shadow tested, and the biggest height was observed between 30 and 120 days on the plants kept on the 45% and 75% shading levels and no difference in the leaf area and the dry weight were observed in the treatments. The 45% shading level resulted in the highest content of chlorophyll a and the levels 45% and 90% resulted in a significant increase in chlorophyll b content in relation to the initial content. So, the shading favored the initial growth of this species, but it was not an indispensable condition to its development.


Mirindiba-rosa, light, development, Atlantic Rainforest


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How to Cite

Kroling, C. L., Oliveira, C. M. B. de, Bernardo, R. A., Demuner, V. G., & Hebling, S. A. (2005). Initial development of Lafoensia glyptocarpa Koene under different shading levels: . Natureza Online, 3(2), 41–47. Retrieved from