Use of stone breaking tea in patients diagnosed with renal lithiasis not municipality of São Mateus do Maranhão - MA
he stone breaking tea has shown its effectiveness in terms of therapeutic use without treatment and especially in the prevention of kidney stones. The main objective was to analyze the use of stone breaking tea as an option of treatment in people diagnosed with renal lithiasis. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study conducted in the city of São Mateus do Maranhão in a Basic Health Unit with 40 patients diagnosed with renal lithiasis. A data collection was performed in June and July 2017, and statistical analysis was done through the Microsoft Office Excel® 2010 program. The results show that the majority of respondents are in the age range of 22 to 85 years, with 52.5% used tea for the purpose of relieving urinary tract infection, 32.5% for expelling stones, 7.5% for hepatic symptoms, 5.0% for diuretic actions and 2.5% for kidney problems in general. Regarding the relation of efficiency of patient use with patients, there is no treatment with 17.5% of said no. In the light of information, it is understood that the use of tea as an alternative form of treatment is a consistent method of cultivating a people that does not develop only in a home-based way and without appropriate professional knowledge, but that further studies are pharmacological properties of medicinal plants.
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