Abundance of entomogenic galls in leaves of Varronia verbenacea ( DC.) Borhidi ( Boraginaceae) from restinga de Setibão, Guarapari, ES


  • Aline A Tessinari Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Fátima LF Mariante Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Frederico J Eutrópio Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Hélio S Sá Centro Universitário Vila Velha


The gall is a plant structure that serves as protection and food for the larvae of insect galls. In this structure there is a hyperplasia followed by hypertrophy, which hampers growth and reproduction of the plant, since the nutrients are drained to the gall. This study aimed to evaluate the abundance of galls on leaves of the basal and apical regions of plant species Varronia verbenacea, the sandbank Setibão, Guarapari - ES. The leaf area and number of galls were calculated using five individuals of V. verbenacea. 10 measurements were performed in temperature to about 1.20 m above the ground in the basal and apical regions of the plant. The average leaf area in the apical regions was 4.28 cm ², with an average of 49.56 knot and the basal 4.57 to 36.06 cm ² galls on average, showing a significant difference (p <0.05) between leaf area and number of galls the apex and the base of the plant. The temperature in the apical and basal did not differ significantly. V. verbenacea has a high concentration of galls at the height of its crown, with about 50 knot average and at the base of the crown with 36 galls per plant.


Galling insect, insect-plant interaction, sandbank, Varronia verbenacea


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How to Cite

Tessinari, A. A., Mariante, F. L., Eutrópio, F. J., & Sá, H. S. (2009). Abundance of entomogenic galls in leaves of Varronia verbenacea ( DC.) Borhidi ( Boraginaceae) from restinga de Setibão, Guarapari, ES. Natureza Online, 7(2), 97–101. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/406

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