Bases of the orchidoid mycorrhizal association


  • Romulo F Boldrini Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Wolmen O Santos Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Zilma MA Cruz Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Alessandro C Ramos Centro Universitário Vila Velha


The orchid family is the greatest of all monocots. Its species have attracted high economic and scientific interest. Because they have small seeds with few reserves, nature orchids are associated symbiotically with mycorrhizal fungi and totally depend on their symbionts for a position that germinate and develop. These fungi penetrate the root cells and form characteristic structures called pelotons that provide simple sugars to the embryo. All orchids are dependent on mycorrhizal fungi in some life stage and some rely on these fungi at all life cycle stages. These endosymbionts provide or potentiate the absorption of organic and inorganic nutrients by orchids. The mycorrhizal fungi that are associated to the Orchidaceae are Rhizoctonia-like group whose sexual stage (teleomorph) are rarely found in field or laboratory. Thus, the fungi taxonomy and systematics are made on the basis of asexual stages (anamorphs). Molecular analysis, such as sequencing the ITS region, are also employed in the genera and fungal species differentiation. The orchid mycorrhizae has also been used in studies of efficiency in the seed germination promotion in the laboratory, which can result in reintroduction programs for endangered species.


Rhizoctonia-like, Orchidaceae, orchid mycorrhizae, mycorrhizal symbiosis


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Author Biographies

Romulo F Boldrini, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Graduação em Ciências Biológicas.

Wolmen O Santos, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossistemas.

Zilma MA Cruz, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossistemas; Professor Tiitular I, bolsista de Produtividade FUNADESP.

Alessandro C Ramos, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossistemas; Professor Titular I, bolsista de Produtividade FUNADESP.


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How to Cite

Boldrini, R. F., Santos, W. O., Cruz, Z. M., & Ramos, A. C. (2010). Bases of the orchidoid mycorrhizal association. Natureza Online, 8(3), 140–145. Retrieved from

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