Faunal composition of crustaceans of the genus Uca (Ocypodidae) in mangrove of Serra municipality, ES


  • Ronan PG Moreira Instituto da Biodiversidade
  • Rômulo José Ramos FABAVI
  • Ricardo de Freitas Netto Centro de Estudos em Ecossistemas Marinhos e Costeiros do Espírito Santo


Mangrove is a coastal ecosystem that occurs in tropical and subtropical regions of the world occupy the intertidal areas. A survey of species of crustaceans of the genus Uca (Ocypodidae) was conducted in mangrove Jardim Carapina, Serra, ES, from four transects (Season 1, 2, 3 and 4) equidistant about 250 meters. After a distance of 200 meters from the road edge of the mangrove, was set for each station six sites: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6, equidistant from 50 meters between them, determined by a rope. The initial sampling was considered 0 meters and the final 250 meters. The relative abundance and total number of crustaceans per square meter and ecological indexes were calculated for the community of Uca located in mangrove Jardim Carapina. Found 31 crustaceans of the family Ocypodidae, genus Uca, comprising 6 species, among them: Uca cumulanta, U. leptodactyla, U. mordax, U. rapax, Uca thayeri and Uca vocator. Of the 31 collected crustaceans, Uca rapax showed higher abundance in all seasons. The analysis of the sum of the stations showed the crustaceans U. leptodactyla and U. thayeri, one individual each, as the less abundant species and the species U. rapax the most abundant, 15 individuals. The richness and diversity of species were higher at station 2. Already evenness was higher in season 4.


abundance of species, crustaceans, carcinofauna, mangrove, Uca


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How to Cite

Moreira, R. P., Ramos, R. J., & Netto, R. de F. (2010). Faunal composition of crustaceans of the genus Uca (Ocypodidae) in mangrove of Serra municipality, ES. Natureza Online, 8(1), 46–50. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/365