Consumption evaluation of Cranberry in prevention and treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI)


  • Schaiane Ferri Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Ana Caroline dos Santos Cláudio Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Andressa Stertz Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Lauren Arisi Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Lucas Volnei Augsten Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Simone Maria Cunha Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS
  • Vitória Hana Müller Mottin Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS,
  • Letícia Lenz Sfair Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS


Vaccinum macrocarpum or cranberry is a small fruit of red color belonging to the Ericaceae family, rich in chemical constituents, native from the United States and Canada, being very broadly dis-tributed in North America. This fruit is consumed fresh, in the form of juices, sauces or drinks. Cranber-ry is composed by water, vitamin C, organic acids and some secondary metabolites, such as: flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins, the last two being tannins responsible for the fruit’s natural defense against microorganisms. This fruit is broadly consumed for its therapeutic properties in the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Studies show that the phytochemical components of cranber-ry are responsible for the anti-microbiological acti-vity, with the proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) being responsible for stopping the bacterial binding to cell surfaces, blocking the invasion of pathogenic agents. E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the microorganisms that cause most UTIs, mainly in wo-men. These pathogenic agents can easily create resis-tance to antibiotics, that’s why natural alternatives are being researched to help in the prevention and treat-ment with antibiotics. However, some studies show that in certain situations, cranberry can interfere with the activity of antibiotics of clinical use. Because of this, a bibliographic survey was made by reviewing the potential of cranberry in the prevention and tre-atment of urinary infections, by its anti-microbiolo-gical activities and possible clinical use. The utili-zation of cranberry has been showed as a promising alternative in combating UTIs considering the studies proving its efficacy in different strains of many spe-cies of microorganisms. However, more research is needed relating to the anti-microbiological activi-ty and its concomitant use with medical treatment.


Urinary Infection, Cranberry, Antibiotic


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Author Biographies

Schaiane Ferri, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Ana Caroline dos Santos Cláudio, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Andressa Stertz, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Lauren Arisi, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Lucas Volnei Augsten, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Simone Maria Cunha, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Vitória Hana Müller Mottin, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS,

Acadêmico da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000

Letícia Lenz Sfair, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Professor da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Faculdade de Farmácia, Avenida Unisinos, 950, Cristo Rei, São Leopoldo, RS, 93022-000


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How to Cite

Ferri, S., Cláudio, A. C. dos S., Stertz, A., Arisi, L., Augsten, L. V., Cunha, S. M., … Sfair, L. L. (2018). Consumption evaluation of Cranberry in prevention and treatment of urinary tract infection (UTI). Natureza Online, 16(1), 019–026. Retrieved from