Fruit morphology in diagnosis of species of the genus Clusia L. occurring in the Espírito Santo State, Brazil
Fruit morphology is used for close but distinct genera, such as Clusia and Tovomita. The descriptions were made with fresh fruit and seeds or fixed in FAA, plus Glycerin 20%. The botanical material consulted was the collection of the Herbaria of the Natural Reserve Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (RB), of the Biology Museum Mello Leitão (MBML), and of the Espirito Santo Federal University ( VIES). In Clusia the fruit is a septicide or septifraga capsule which can be 4-n carpelar, with at least 2 seeds per loccus in the fruit. The pericarp is fleshy and at the effective dehiscence, a column stands upright in the center position in the fruit. The conventional technique of pressing and drying plant material decreases the real value of fruit morphology, as well as obscuring the region of dehiscence, which is difficult to establish conclusions safer. Because they are mostly dioecious plants, many species were created based on only one sex, getting another unknown. The methodology to be used in preparing samples of plant material is crucial. In the genus Clusia, at least as regards the studied species occur septicide and septifraga capsules, and likewise there are those species in which two types are combined, indicating that those two forms of dehiscence are extremes and intermediate forms may be found. The fruits must have preserved their structures more closely to natural as possible. Details must be taken before and after fruit dehiscence.
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