Does forest sucessional status influence the frequency and diversity of pollination syndromes?
Pollination is an important ecological process that directly affects the reproductive success of plants, and their imbalance can lead to loss of plant species. Knowing that different environmental conditions between the successional stages of forests, especially differences in humidity, lighting and air movement, increases the differences between ecological niches of pollinators so that differences in diversity and frequency of pollination syndromes can occur in an ecosystem to provide the same areas in different successional stages, this study aims to determine the pollination syndromes occurring in the herbaceous layer in two areas with different successional stages of a Tropical Forest, verifying possible differences between the syndromes found in the Ecological Station of Tapacurá. To this was done through the method of hiking trails within walking from the station and were collected botanical material for further identification. In the study area were recorded 26 species of herbaceous flowering, of which 14 occurred in the area of advanced successional stage, 18 occurred in the area in recent successional stage, and five were common to both areas. Comparing the species found in both areas there was a low similarity between them, however the proportion of species per syndrome showed no significant differences observed between the two areas. The melittophily pollination syndrome was prevalent in two areas studied, but in the more advanced succession, some plant species showed a greater selectivity as to their pollinators, structures that have limited the assembly of pollinators.
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