Bird diversity in public squares in Minas Gerais state: richness, similarity and biological aspects


  • Guilherme Wince de Moura Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Aloysio Souza de Moura Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Felipe Santana Machado Universidade Federal de Lavras


The urbanization process is one of the fac-tors that changes the bird diversity by altering the availability of resources and conditions. In this paper, we shown that the public squares are remnants capable of maintaining a reduced bird diversity, but highly resilient to environmental changes. Therefore, 24 species distributed in 10 orders and 15 families were registered. The order of Passeriformes and family Tyrannidae predominated. In addition, it is shown that public squares with similar urbanization proces-ses have similar richness index, with the predomi-nant insectivorous food guild. Here, we areincentiva-ting to increase the number of green areas and public squares so that they become sources of biodiversity or be used as stepping stones for migrating birds.


community, diversity comparison, incentive to increase green areas


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How to Cite

Moura, G. W. de, Moura, A. S. de, & Machado, F. S. (2018). Bird diversity in public squares in Minas Gerais state: richness, similarity and biological aspects. Natureza Online, 16(1), 031–038. Retrieved from

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