Oxygen consumption of Astyanax sp. as function of temperature and oxygen concentration


  • Jéssica Alves Pereira Universidade Vila Velha
  • Thiago Bernardo de Souza Universidade Vila Velha
  • Levy C Gomes Universidade Vila Velha


Freshwater species are expose to periodic environmental variations such as oxygen concentration and temperature, reflecting on physical, chemical and biological process. These variations can reflect directly on the fish’s distribution. As response, these organisms are induced to develop morphological and physiological responses as alternative strategic to the environmental fluctuations. The aim of this study was to investigate the oxygen consumption of Astyanax sp., after exposing the organisms in two differently temperature treatments (22º C e 29º C). Temperature shows a significantly effect on fish’s oxygen consumption where, under normoxia and lower temperature (22ºC), fishes didn’t show any saving of oxygen. In other hand, under higher temperature (29ºC), a reduction of oxygen consumption was detected as response to a low oxygen concentration on the water. However, we conclude that temperature and oxygen concentration can influence on physiological and adaptive mechanisms under extreme environmental conditions.


metabolism, ecophysiology, respiratory, behavior


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Author Biographies

Jéssica Alves Pereira, Universidade Vila Velha

Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada; Bolsista FAPES de Mestrado; Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV.

Thiago Bernardo de Souza, Universidade Vila Velha

Laboratório de Ecologia Terrestre e Aquática; Bolsista FAPES de Mestrado; Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV.

Levy C Gomes, Universidade Vila Velha

Laboratório de Ictiologia Aplicada; Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas – PPEE. Universidade Vila Velha – UVV; Professor Titular, bolsista de Produtividade científica do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Pereira, J. A., Souza, T. B. de, & Gomes, L. C. (2014). Oxygen consumption of Astyanax sp. as function of temperature and oxygen concentration. Natureza Online, 12(5), 216–219. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/222