Food influence on the children’s CEO-D index
The dental caries is the most common disease that affects the oral cavity, especially in children, being responsible for the precocious tooth loss that affect the child’s social and individual well-being. The daily feeding routine has a strong influence on the occurence and aggravation of the disease.The objective of this work was to conduct a review of the scientific literature on the food impact on the CEO-D level in children of preschool age. The disease has a negative impact on the quality of life of children, and may cause some problems on the growth and devel-opment of children. Therefore, it should be treated as a child health problem that affects society, being not exclusively a dental problem, but also affecting other areas. The encouragement healthy eating should proceed in full through interventions that use healthy eating habits since childhood, since the unbalanced and sugar-rich diet is closely linked to the increase in the CEO-D level. Despite the high prevalence of car-ies and high consumption of cariogenic foods, these problems are amenable to control and prevention, if there are effective oral health education actions.
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