The red grape Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae)

its juices and wines in prevention of cardiovacular disorders


  • Gustavo G. de Souza Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Leonardo O. Meneghin Centro Universitário Vila Velh
  • Sandro P. Coelho Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • June F. Maia Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Ary G. da Silva Centro Universitário Vila Velha


This is a review paper on the role of resveratrol from red wine in the prevention of cardiovascular disorders. The atherosclerosis etiology is deeply associated with oxygen reactive species, the oxygen free radicals, and with the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, as indicative agents or participants of several steps of the atherogenic process. Resveratrol is a powerful free-radical scavenger. Wines are composed of water, alcohols sugars, organic acids, proteins and their constitutive micromolecules are poliphenolics, anthocianic pigments, ions and vitamins. The cardioprotector effect of red wine has been attributed to resveratrol. Epidemiological studies had shown a low incidence of cardiovascular disorder risk in France and Greece, what has been associated with a high consumption of red wine. This situation is scientific known as the cardiologic “French Paradox”.


free radicals, polyphenols, atherosclerosis, antioxidants


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Author Biographies

June F. Maia, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Professor Doutor I do curso de Nutrição

Ary G. da Silva, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Professor Doutor I do curso de Farmácia


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How to Cite

Souza, G. G. de, Meneghin, L. O., Coelho, S. P., Maia, J. F., & Silva, A. G. da. (2006). The red grape Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae): its juices and wines in prevention of cardiovacular disorders. Natureza Online, 4(2), 80–86. Retrieved from

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