Morphoanatomic reactions in leaves Myrciaria floribunda (Myrtaceae) under the influence of galls


  • Lorena TP Silva Universidade Vila Velha
  • Ary G Silva Universidade Vila Velha


Galls can be described as the product of an interspecific association between plant and another organism may be a pathogen or parasite, characterized by abnormal growth of tissues or organs of plants developed by hypertrophy and / or hyperplasia as a result of the action of bodies that develop these structures. In this study have been described in general morphological changes occurring in tissue leaves Myrciaria floribunda, under the influence of galled. Changes were observed in the epidermis passing the coating region swollen laminar and projections that emerge on the outer surface of the larval chamber. There is also changes in the vascular bundle core, which occurs neoformation of the phloem and a redirection of vascularization toward larval chamber, which is surrounded by lignified cells, demonstrating that plays the role of gall drain these tissues, which help in larval development until its release.


morphoanatomy, galls, leaves, drainage


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Author Biographies

Lorena TP Silva, Universidade Vila Velha

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas; Bolsista FAPES de Doutorado; Universidade Vila Velha - UVV.

Ary G Silva, Universidade Vila Velha

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia de Ecossistemas; Professor Titular VI; Universidade Vila Velha - UVV.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. T., & Silva, A. G. (2014). Morphoanatomic reactions in leaves Myrciaria floribunda (Myrtaceae) under the influence of galls. Natureza Online, 12(1), 42–44. Retrieved from

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