Diversity of Mammals in Cachoeira da Fumaça State Park, Alegre, Espirito Santo
Study of biological diversity is essential to projects that aim the conservation of species. However, given the difficulty and time to obtain those data, it is essential to develop more shortsighted strategies to generate, store and use biodiversity data, such as local lists of species, and examine their threat levels. This study aimed to survey the mammal richness at the protected area Cachoeira da Fumaça State Park (PECF), through direct and indirect records of small and medium non-volant mammals, including past records. Therefore, we consulted databases and compared with two other surveys that occurred in 2000 and 2008. Were reported 30 species, 15 families and six orders, corresponding to 4.27% of the species of non-volant mammals in Brazil and 21.73% in the state of Espirito Santo. Of these, three species are threatened with extinction in Brazil in Espírito Santo state (Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus guttulus and Chaetomys subspinosus). It was also recorded three endemic species of the Atlantic Forest (Didelphis aurita, Callithrix geoffroyi and Chaetomys subspinosus). Most PECF species have generalist habit and occur in all biomes of Brazil, which may indicate a low level of conservation in PECF. However, the presence of threatened and endemic species makes its essential protection for the maintenance of regional biodiversity.
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