River-rapid plants
reproduction and conservation of Podostemaceae
Rapids are strong selective environment, limiting the establishment of many angiosperms. This habitat has an herbaceous aquatic angiosperms family, attached to rocks in places exposed to the sun with unique morphology, Podostemaceae. The family is mainly distributed in the tropics and has a high endemism. In Brazil the species occur in all phytogeographical areas and more than 53 endemic species are endemic. In this paper we performed a retrospective of the reproductive biology to this family, in order to identify gaps for directing future studies, the importance to the preservation of lotic aquatic ecosystems, as well as an incentive to more studies. The reproductive aspects were surveyed in less than 20% of the family diversity. The floral longevity can last a few hours to 5 days. The dichogamy occurs in some species, being protogyny the most frequent. The spontaneous self-pollination is the main pollination type. The wind pollination is described as the most common, due to the inconspicuous flowers and pollen without pollenkitt. The bee pollination is reported to flowers with odor, pink or lilac, numerous stamens and offer pollen as a resource for pollinators. Fly pollination is reported as accidental. There is a combination with differents pollination types, the self-pollination can occurs with bee and/or wind and/ or fly pollination. The breeding system was studied for three species and all are self-compatible. Unfortunately, brazilian rivers suffer great human pressure mainly by the construction of hydroelectrics, which directly affect the development or even lead to death Podostemaceae species. Despite the great threat of extinction, their ecological importance and the high endemism, few Podostemaceae species had their conservation status analized and no conservation strategies were suggested. The data can provide important information for establishing conservation strategies, because these factors may influence directly the populations. Furthermore, the in situ maintenance is the only viable way for the conservation of Podostemaceae.
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