Histological changes in gills of Orechromis niloticus (Nile Tilapia-of-Nile) exposed the Acephate, Difenoconazole and Sulfluramide
The increasing use of pesticides and their decomposition in aquatic ecosystems have aroused interest in the scientific community to understand and evaluate the biological effects of these substances in various organisms. This study evaluated the action of Acephate, difenoconazole and sulfluramide agrochemicals, at concentrations used by family farms, on the gills of Oreochromis niloticus. The various changes observed in gill filaments in chloride cell, volumetric increase mucosal cells, disruption and lamellar apoptosis, loss of filaments and presence of staffs; followed by infracted areas, greatly interfere in the body physiology. The results were important to characterize the adverse effects of these chemicals beyond the intensity of each one on the Nile tilapia, used as bioindicator.
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