New occurrence and description of male flower of Struthanthus ophiostylus (Loranthaceae)


  • Claudenir Simões Caires


Struthanthus Mart. is considered one of the largest genera of Neotropical mistletoes, and even with the absence of revision studies, new species are periodically described. In 2014, Struthanthus ophios-tylus Kuijt was described for Peru from an incomple-te specimen. The revisions of this group of plants to the Flora of Brazil brought the discovery of a male specimen collected in Acre. Based on this material, the descriptions of its staminate flowers as well as the record of its new occurrence are provided here.


Acre, Amazonia, Mistletoes, Psittacan-thinae


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Author Biography

Claudenir Simões Caires




Grimsson F, Grimm GW, Zetter R (2018) Evolution of pollen morphology in Loranthaceae. Grana 56: 16‒116.

Kuijt J (2003) Two new South American species of Struthanthus (Loranthaceae) posing a challenge to circumscription of neotropical genera. Botani-cal Journal of the Linnean Society 142: 469‒474.

Kuijt J (2014) Five new species, one new name, and transfers in Neotropical mistletoes (Loranthaceae), Miscellaneous notes, 61-68. Novon 23: 176‒186.

Kuijt J. (2015). Loranthaceae, pp. 73‒119. In Kubit-zki K. (ed.). The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. 12. Springer: Switzerland. 213p.

Thiers B. [continuamente atualizado] Index Herba-riorum: a global directory of public herbaria and as-sociated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 20 de dezembro de 2017.

How to Cite

Caires, C. S. (2018). New occurrence and description of male flower of Struthanthus ophiostylus (Loranthaceae). Natureza Online, 16(2), 034–036. Retrieved from