Endophytic fungi in the roots of Prosthechea pachysepala (Orchidaceae) in “Serra do Cipó”/MG


  • Samira B. G. de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Marlon C. Pereira Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Orchidaceae is one of the largest plant families and is found all over the planet. About the habit they can be epiphytes, rupicolous, terrestrial or, in some cases, a combination thereof. In the tropics, there is a predominance of epiphytes and rupicolous forms. Prosthechea sp. is endemic to Brazil and the species Prosthechea pachysepala occurs as epiphytes and rupicolous forms. The orchids are associated with mycorrhizal fungi for seed germination and embryo nourishment during development. Endophytic fungi live inside the plants dwelling without causing any apparent damage to their hosts, and can indirectly help in their growth. This study aimed to characterize mycorrhiza colonization and evaluate morphological diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from the roots of P. pachysepala. For this study wecollected only individuals epiphytic on a rocky outcrop located in the “Serra do Cipó” National Park/ MG. Intact and degraded pelotons were found throughout the whole orchid root system. The presence of pelotons confirms the presence of compatible mycorrhizal fungi, and their degradation suggests their use as nutrient source. Nineteen fungi were isolated from the roots and characterized based on their quantitative and qualitative morphological characteristics. The qualitative morphological characteristics permitted to group the isolates by UPGMA technique (Unweighted Paired Group Method using  Arithmetic Averages) into eleven morphotypes. Indeed, the cultural features were helpful to establish the morphotypes. The analysis of quantitative data using the generalized Mahalanobis distance and the UPGMA method indicated variability among isolates. These results suggest high diversity among endophytic fungi of P. pachysepala.


Mycorrhiza, Microbial ecology, Rhizoctonia-like


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How to Cite

Carvalho, S. B. G. de, & Pereira, M. C. (2017). Endophytic fungi in the roots of Prosthechea pachysepala (Orchidaceae) in “Serra do Cipó”/MG. Natureza Online, 15(1), 50–58. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/86