The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer


  • Carina Jhane Soares Conceição Graduanda do Curso de Odontologia da Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis – Rua Bernardino Monteiro, 700 – Dois Pinheiros - Santa Teresa – ES CEP: 29650-000.
  • Caroline Guedes Hartuwig Graduanda do Curso de Odontologia da Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis – Rua Bernardino Monteiro, 700 – Dois Pinheiros - Santa Teresa – ES CEP: 29650-000.
  • Caroline Viana Fauconnet Graduanda do Curso de Odontologia da Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis – Rua Bernardino Monteiro, 700 – Dois Pinheiros - Santa Teresa – ES CEP: 29650-000.
  • Arlinda Lúcia Zocatelli Calenzani Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis- (ESFA) - Rua Bernardino Monteiro,700- Pinheiros, Santa Teresa- ES, 29650-000


Periodontal disease (PD) is an infectious-inflammatory pathology caused by microorganisms present in the dental biofilm, damaging the structures of the supporting tissues and the structures that support the tooth. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative pathology most often associated with age, whose cognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations result in progressive disability and disability. The influence of pathogenic microorganisms in periodontal disease is considered a predisposing factor in the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Periodontal disease is believed to be more common in the elderly and more frequent in those who have Alzheimer's disease, due to the inability to take care of oral hygiene as the disease progresses. It is important to highlight the knowledge about management with Alzheimer's patients, due to the constant evolution of the disease, and the need to develop more effective technologies, both in terms of prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this context, the objective was to elucidate the connection between AD and PD, showing the pathophysiology and the possible implications of the association between these diseases.


Periodontal disease, Alzheimer's disease, Periodontitis, Neurodegeneration


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How to Cite

Soares Conceição, C. J., Guedes Hartuwig, C., Viana Fauconnet, C., & Zocatelli Calenzani, A. L. (2023). The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer . Natureza Online, 21(1). Retrieved from