Aspects of the reproductive biology and pollination in Encyclia Hook. and Prosthechea Knowles & Westc (Orchidaceae)


  • Amauri Herbert Krahl Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
  • Dayse Raiane Passos Krahl Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas


Information on the reproductive biology and pollination for Encyclia and Prosthechea genres appears generally. Both genders, in principle, has representatives pollinated by Hymenoptera and also by birds, if Prosthechea. The self-compatibility is observed forboth genders and the self-incompatibility is observed so far only for Encyclia.


Pollination, Orchidaceae, pollinators, breeding system


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Author Biographies

Amauri Herbert Krahl, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia – INPA, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Departamento de Botânica.

Dayse Raiane Passos Krahl, Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas

Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas – ES-BAM, Curso de Ciências Biológicas.


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How to Cite

Krahl, A. H., & Krahl, D. R. P. (2018). Aspects of the reproductive biology and pollination in Encyclia Hook. and Prosthechea Knowles & Westc (Orchidaceae). Natureza Online, 16(3), 016–020. Retrieved from

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