Agrotóxicos e seus efeitos sócio–culturais: Zona Rural doValão de São Lourenço, Santa Teresa, ES, Brasil


  • Lorena CC Fehlberg Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Leonardo V. Lutz Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Adriana H Moreira Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis


There have investigated social and cultural factors of rural workers from Valão de São Lourenço at Santa Teresa county (ES) which probably could influence the incidence of diseases related to the use of chemical pesticides (CP). The population samples were 10 families (25 individuals). There have been sent individual forms to each one where were asked for the handling of CP. Between men older than 25 years old, only 22% have had direct contact to the CP, i.e., without properly equipment. Indirect contact has reached 72% from the sample population. Coffee crop has shown the biggest area used for agriculture (56%) and the major CP used was Roundap (40%), Manzat (24%) and Decis (24%). The main diseases cited on the form related to both sexes were: hypertension (28%), migraine (24%), visual perturbations (20%). In the female population were reported a high incidence of uterus cancer (50%), spontaneous abortion (20%) and dead at birth (20%). It were also reported a high incidence of deaths in the children (70%) younger than 10 years old in the families studied. These data suggest a possible influence by the use of the CP in the population and surroundings.


Pesticides, genotoxicity, cancer, spontaneous abortions, Santa Teresa (ES)


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How to Cite

Fehlberg, L. C., Lutz, L. V., & Moreira, A. H. (2003). Agrotóxicos e seus efeitos sócio–culturais: Zona Rural doValão de São Lourenço, Santa Teresa, ES, Brasil. Natureza Online, 1(2), 51–55. Retrieved from

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