Impacts of the leachate in the Santa Inês cemetery subterranean waters, Espírito Santo, Brazil.


  • Dérika F Neira Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Vilma R Terra Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Rodrigo Pratte-Santos Centro Universitário Vila Velha; Faculdade PIO XII
  • Roberto S Barbiéri Faculdade de Minas


To evaluate the impact of leachate components from aquifer sheets in Santa Inês cemetery by means of analyses of its physical parameters, chemical and microbiological properties of the water from monitoring wells. Proposing adequate methods and standards presented by conservationist measures and laws. Two campaigns were realized in five monitoring wells, in the area of Santa Inês cemetery. These points were demarked to represent a better aquifer distribution. For experimental analytical proceedings the analyzed parameters were: color, turbidity, pH, temperature, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia nitrogen, calcium, termotolerants coliforms and total coliform. These parameters follow the methods described by the American Public Health Association. The analysis from the groundwater of Santa Inês cemetery were observed, the presence of high levels of nitrogen and microbiological compounds. Where for Ammoniac nitrogen, levels above permitted were obtained from two monitoring wells, in two campaigns. While for the nitrate, also on the second campaign, the levels were above permitted ordinance, in resolution nº 518/ 2004 of CONAMA. For termotolerants coliforms and total coliform analyses, in all samples, were found higher levels than permitted by the resolution nº 396/2008 of CONAMA. In agreement with the present study, the impact that can be originated from cemeteries represents high risks of contamination to the public health. Therefore, guidelines and regulations from city councils could prevent ground water pollution caused by leachate.


aquifer contamination, indicator microorganisms, water pollution


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How to Cite

Neira, D. F., Terra, V. R., Pratte-Santos, R., & Barbiéri, R. S. (2008). Impacts of the leachate in the Santa Inês cemetery subterranean waters, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Natureza Online, 6(1), 36–41. Retrieved from

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