Pequenos mamíferos e a predação de ninhos artificiais no Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão (ES)


  • Isis G Barbini Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Marcelo Passamani Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão


The main goals of this study were to identify the small mammals species that occur in the Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão and to determine the predation rate on artificial nests. The study were conducted from October 2002 to April 2003 using live traps. To estimate eggs predation were made 12 artificial nests with 2 quail eggs each for 5 days months, putting 6 nests in the edge and 6 in the middle of forest. To verify the tracks of mains predators of nests were established 12 plots with sand. A capture effort of 735 trap/nights resulted in 69 captures, corresponding to 9,4% of capture. We observed a high rate of nest predation; 81% of the artificial nests showed signals of predation and the most abundant track in the plots was that D. aurita. There was not significant relationship between abundance of D. aurita and the rate of nest predation. There was not relationship between rate predation in the edge and middle of forest, too.


small mammals, Didelphis aurita, remnants, Atlantic Forest, predation


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How to Cite

Barbini, I. G., & Passamani, M. (2003). Pequenos mamíferos e a predação de ninhos artificiais no Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão (ES). Natureza Online, 1(2), 56–61. Retrieved from