Perspectives of research on artificial nest predation in Brazilian Cerrado


  • Daiany C Joner Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Luci F Ribeiro Universidade Federal da Bahia


The predation events are able to modulate the structure and functioning of communities, as well as the trophic relationships in natural systems. Predation of natural nests is reported in the literature as one of the causes, or the main cause, of declining of bird populations. Upon verification of the methodological limitations of the use of natural nests in studies evaluating the influence of predation on the reproductive success of birds, began the use of experiments with artificial nests. Although they showed some deficiencies, these experiments contributed in the last decades for the development of hypotheses about the influence of habitat loss, edge effect and spatial and temporal heterogeneity on bird communities. However, few projects in Brazil use this tool for evaluation of data for basic and applied ecology of birds, at the different biomes. This review aims to expand ways to use an important experimental tool for understanding the functioning of natural communities, indicating potential scientific activities to be carried in the Brazilian Cerrado.


Nest predation, Cerrado, vegetation structure, environmental heterogeneity


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Author Biographies

Daiany C Joner, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Instituto de Ciências Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – ICADS. Campus Prof. Edgard Santos.

Luci F Ribeiro, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Instituto de Ciências Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – ICADS. Campus Prof. Edgard Santos.


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How to Cite

Joner, D. C., & Ribeiro, L. F. (2009). Perspectives of research on artificial nest predation in Brazilian Cerrado. Natureza Online, 7(2), 74–79. Retrieved from

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