Populational stugy of colonies of Phullogorgia dilatata (Esper, 1806) in two costal sites from Espírito Santo State


  • Werther Krohling Centro Universitário Vila Velha; Centro de Estudos em Ecossistemas Marinhos e Costeiros do Espírito Santo
  • Ricardo de Freitas Netto Centro Universitário Vila Velha; Centro de Estudos em Ecossistemas Marinhos e Costeiros do Espírito Santo
  • André Luiz F Mercier Centro Universitário Vila Velha


Gorgonians are commonly extracted from natural environment and are used as souvenirs. Comparing colonies size of Phyllogorgia dilatata in two coastal sites of Espirito Santo State that are over different pressure caused probably by ornamental trade is the main goal of this study. The length presented a discrete bimodal formation in frequency distribution, with colonies ranging from 21cm to 22cm (Site 1) and 24cm to 25cm (Site 2). The null hypothesis of equality for both sites was tested and rejected (p = 2.2e-16 of type I error). The result indicates a possible impact due to the extraction over the biggest colonies, with the smallest colonies were founded close to the coastline, mostly due to the facility to collect P. dilatata as souvenirs to ornamental trade. On the other hand, Site 2 is located 9 kilometers from the coastline, accessible only by boat, and usually frequented by scuba divers under Dive Center supervision, therefore, this may be the reason for the presence of bigger colonies. Distant islands are often focused as spots to enhance protection of marine life, but communities close to the shore must be a concern to conservation as well, mainly due to its vulnerability to human activities.


Bootstrap, ornamental trade, marine protected areas, Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Escalvada Island


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Author Biographies

Werther Krohling, Centro Universitário Vila Velha; Centro de Estudos em Ecossistemas Marinhos e Costeiros do Espírito Santo

Programa de Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossitemas; Graduação em Ciências Biológicas.

Ricardo de Freitas Netto, Centro Universitário Vila Velha; Centro de Estudos em Ecossistemas Marinhos e Costeiros do Espírito Santo

Programa de Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossitemas.

André Luiz F Mercier, Centro Universitário Vila Velha

Graduação em Ciências Biológicas.


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How to Cite

Krohling, W., Netto, R. de F., & Mercier, A. L. F. (2010). Populational stugy of colonies of Phullogorgia dilatata (Esper, 1806) in two costal sites from Espírito Santo State. Natureza Online, 8(3), 123–126. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/382