Structure of a benthic macroinvertebrates community associated to macrophytes in a lotic neotropical river, Southeastern the Brazil


  • Rodrigo Pratte-Santos Faculdade Pio XII
  • Vilma R Terra Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Romildo R Azevedo Jr Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Fabricio S de Sá Centro Universitário Vila Velha
  • Walace P Kiffer Jr Centro Universitário Vila Velha


Benthic macroinvertebrates have been being widely used as bioindicators of environmental quality. The aim of this work was to analyze the composition, specific wealth and bentonic macroinvertebrates abundance in Jucu river and use them as evaluation tool of water quality. The wealth was relatively low, compared to other studies in brazilians lotic environments. The minor diversity index was found in the point 5, with the dominance of one only family, Chironomidae with several individuals. Moreover, the antropic interventions and the improper soil use, in area around the river, has contributed to modify physical-chemistry characteristic and the taxons present in this portion of the river. In the point 5, the Jucu river is losing lotic environment characteristics, great presence of macrophytes is observed, in consequence of the sewage and ciliary woods absence.


conservation, environmental monitoring, pollution, water quality


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How to Cite

Pratte-Santos, R., Terra, V. R., Azevedo Jr, R. R., Sá, F. S. de, & Kiffer Jr, W. P. (2011). Structure of a benthic macroinvertebrates community associated to macrophytes in a lotic neotropical river, Southeastern the Brazil. Natureza Online, 9(2), 62–66. Retrieved from

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