Characterization of a community of palm trees at Parque Natural Municipal do Goiapaba-Açú, Southeast Brazil


  • Allana C. B. de Resende Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Gleidson C. Broetto Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Jorge Luiz T. Malaquias Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Luci F. Ribeiro Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis


This study was conduct at Parque Municipal Natural do Goiapaba-Acú (Santa Teresa, ES, Brazil), aiming to characterize the composition, dispersion forms and fruit availability of a community of palm trees. Two distinct physionomic units were compared by biweekly field works, gallery forest and mountain forest on shalow soil. The analysis of fruitification shown that in the dry period the major resource offering belong to the tribe Cocoeae and they are eaten preferentially by mammals. In the other hand, in the wet period the kind of fruits with a great availability are eaten preferentially by birds and belong to the tribe Arecaceae.


Palms, Arecaceae, Cocoeae, Phenology, Dispersal


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How to Cite

Resende, A. C. B. de, Broetto, G. C., Malaquias, J. L. T., & Ribeiro, L. F. (2007). Characterization of a community of palm trees at Parque Natural Municipal do Goiapaba-Açú, Southeast Brazil. Natureza Online, 5(2), 68–75. Retrieved from