Coproparasitological evaluation of specimens of Amazona rhodocorytha in private breeding captivity in Espírito Santo


  • Marina D Marchesi
  • Flaviana LG Leite Universidade Vila Velha
  • Leandro A Fonseca Universidade Vila Velha
  • Thais P Azevedo Universidade Vila Velha


Incorrect management techniques can contribute negatively to the health of captive birds. Among these various diseases that may develop, the endoparasites is one of the most commonly reported. Was studied the occurrence of endoparasites in 11 parrots Amazona rhodocorytha in captivity of Commercial Breeding and Conservationist. Collected a pool of fecal samples for subsequent laboratory examination by the methods Willis Mollay, Faust and Hoffman modify. The diagnosis was positive for Eimeria sp. The animals were treated for five days with trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole associated with, 50mg/ml suspension at a dose of 30mg/kg every 24 hours, along with changes in the management sanitary. In late of treatment, there was another coproparasitologic to certify the absence of parasites. The result was negative for endoparasites.


wild birds, captive, coccidiosis


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Author Biographies

Marina D Marchesi

Médica Veterinária Autônoma.

Flaviana LG Leite, Universidade Vila Velha

Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciência Animal; Universidade Vila Velha-UVV.

Leandro A Fonseca, Universidade Vila Velha

Medicina Veterinária; Universidade Vila Velha-UVV.

Thais P Azevedo, Universidade Vila Velha

Medicina Veterinária; Universidade Vila Velha-UVV.


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How to Cite

Marchesi, M. D., Leite, F. L., Fonseca, L. A., & Azevedo, T. P. (2013). Coproparasitological evaluation of specimens of Amazona rhodocorytha in private breeding captivity in Espírito Santo. Natureza Online, 11(4), 187–189. Retrieved from

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