Length variation of Lottia subrugosa Orbigny, 1846 (Patellogastropoda, Lottiidae), associated with mussel beds, at Espírito Santo State rocky shores, Brazil


  • Thiago Rubioli Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Clécio da Silva Ferreira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Gilson Alexandre de Castro Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


The biology and ecology of limpets were extensively studied by several authors, but studies of Brazilian species, as Lottia subrugosa, have litt- le representation in the literature. The study aimed to compare the abundance and length variation of L. subrugosa associated with beds of Perna perna in different seasons (summer and winter) at Beneven- te Bay, ES. We expect to answer two questions: 1) Mussel beds present mostly young individuals of L. subrugosa? 2) Shell length means of L. subrugosa in- dividuals vary among summer and winter? Samples of L. subrugosa were made using squares of 20 x 20 cm over three different spots on the beds of P. per- na. The relative abundance of individuals < 5 mm in the samples were compared and the population were classified in length class with 2 mm interval. Kruskal-Wallis test (α = 0,05) was performed for analysis of variance and Mann-Whitney test (α = 0,05) for multi- ple comparisons. Most of the population of L. subru- gosa found was composed of young individuals with shell lengths reduced. Moreover, the average shell length was greater in the summer in most shores sam- pled, and the morphometric changes were influenced mainly by different individuals recruitment betwe- en seasons. Thus, the conservation and appropriate management of mussel beds are of great importance for the maintenance of the populations of this gas- tropod species in the south coast of Espírito Santo


Limpet, Perna perna, Benevente Bay, Coastal Ecosystems, Abundance


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How to Cite

Rubioli, T., Ferreira, C. da S., & Castro, G. A. de. (2017). Length variation of Lottia subrugosa Orbigny, 1846 (Patellogastropoda, Lottiidae), associated with mussel beds, at Espírito Santo State rocky shores, Brazil. Natureza Online, 15(1), 42–49. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/26