Inventory of fruit species of Ifes campus Santa Teresa and its disperser fauna


  • Brayan Ricardo de Oliveira
  • Milson L Oliveira Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Jacimar B Boti


The diversity of plants and fruits distributed throughout the year contributes to the provision of a continuous feed of the fauna and balanced disperser, however fragmentation and deforestation have resulted in the lack of nourishment inside the bushes themselves, causing the resident fauna seek outside resources such. As a result, the search for food fruit outside the forest provides dispersion and assists in its restoration. From this perspective, the aim of this study was to survey the species of fruit Ifes campus Santa Teresa/ES for purposes of characterizing the local flora and fauna that it attracts. In the survey of fruit were identified 38 species, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous. During the lifting was observed fauna composed of 53 species, among them potential dispersers 23 and 30 other species denominated as pollinators on the local flora and only used the fruit for obtaining other food represented by insects, shellfish, eggs birds, etc., or else used as the only environment perch. Identifying such fauna species becomes important for knowledge aimed at succession and ecological restoration site. By dispersing to nearby fragments, increases the supply of local food or pollination, making supply uniform throughout the year and are therefore important in their recovery and dissipation of food back to the woods.


environmental restoration, fruit, dispersers


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Author Biographies

Brayan Ricardo de Oliveira

Biólogo Mestre em Ecologia.

Milson L Oliveira, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Dr. em Agronomia, Professor do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – IFES.

Jacimar B Boti

Biólogo, MSc. em Entomologia.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. R. de, Oliveira, M. L., & Boti, J. B. (2013). Inventory of fruit species of Ifes campus Santa Teresa and its disperser fauna. Natureza Online, 11(3), 139–146. Retrieved from

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