Density of the seeds bank of the soil and of the seeds rain in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest placed in the Municipal Park of the Goiapaba-açu, Fundão, ES


  • Daliany S. Pietre Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Juliana Tregnago Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Silvéria K. Carvalho Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis
  • Selma A. Hebling Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis


The soil seed bank is considered one of the principal sources of recruitment for new individuals in the initial stages of secondary succession. The species richness and abundance in seed banks may provide information on the potential of a community for regeneration. In this study we analyzed the densities of the soil seed bank and the seed rain in two different sucessional stages areas of the tropical montane forest at Parque Municipal de Goiapaba-açu, ES, Brazil: an advanced regeneration stage area and a medium regeneration stage area. Twenty-five soil samples (0.25 m² and depth 3 cm) and the seeds contained in twenty five seed traps (0.25 m² each) were randomly collected within 51 parcels, in each area, monthly, from December 2004 to October 2005. The seeds collected in the different samples were counted and separated in morfo-species. The densities of seeds in the soil were 948.64 seeds .m² and 19.36 seeds .m² at the advanced regeneration stage area and medium regeneration stage area, respectively, indicating a possible decrease due to lixiviation in the second area, caused probably by the rain and/or the presence of a temporary bank in this stage area, since the seed rain density was 1,564.48 seeds .m², value similar of the obtained in the medium regeneration stage area, 2,207.04 seeds .m². The results also indicated that several species contribute for the composition of the soil seed bank and the seed rain. Apparently, there is a similar pattern of fruiting in both areas that suggest a similar phonological pattern of the species presents.


Tropical forests, Seed bank, Seed rain, Succession and phenology


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How to Cite

Pietre, D. S., Tregnago, J., Carvalho, S. K., & Hebling, S. A. (2007). Density of the seeds bank of the soil and of the seeds rain in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest placed in the Municipal Park of the Goiapaba-açu, Fundão, ES. Natureza Online, 5(1), 30–36. Retrieved from

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