Use of permeable inorganic coverings in weed control and lettuce production
The culture of lettuce stands out as one of the leafy vegetables most produced and consumed in the world, however the development of weeds during cultivation can limit their production. The experiment was conducted in the horticulture sector of the Fazenda Escola of Instituto Federal Goiano –Campus Iporá, and aimed to evaluate the effect of the use of inorganic materials in the control of weeds and the production of lettuce. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, with seven treatments and four repetitions. The treatments were represented by the following Soil covers: agrotextile (TNT) black, white, red, blue, shading fabric (75%) black, area without cover and with weeding and area without cover and without weeding as a witness. The cultivar used was frizzy, ‘Vanda’ variety. After the preparation of the area, the roofs were installed, fixed on the sides with the soil itself, and perforated for the transplantation of the seedlings. The planting and covering fertilizers were performed as recommended for the crop. The plant weight, number of leaves, medium and specific foliar area, fresh and dried leaf mass, water content, diameter and stem length were evaluated. It was observed that the treatments with black and shady TNT, presented good results in terms of productivity in relation to the system commonly used, providing plants with tender, succulent leaves and well formed, in addition to reducing weed infestation.
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