Plant-pollinator relationships – an approach to cerrado in comparison to other vegetation types


  • Ary G Silva Escola Superior São Francisco de Assis (ESFA)


On its widest acceptation, cerrado fills near one fifth of Brazilian total territory with a core area, and peripheral projections with boundaries with some other vegetation types, such as the Amazonian Forest, the caa-tinga and the Atlantic Forest. Considering the importance of this biome, this paper intended to prospect on pollination services from cerrado, aiming to compare them with those ones from its vegetation neighborhood. The literature selected attempted to the basic elements of this kind of interaction: the floral resources that are effectively available for consumers, based on floristic indicatives, and the diversity of consumers that occur in cerrado. The flo-ra of cerrado has a strong mellitophilic characteristic, even considering the lack of information about the herbaceous vegetation component. The analysis of the available data on the different types of floral resources on community dynamics, demands an evaluation wide enough to consider the phenological dynamics of both animal and plant, mainly by the fact that this dynamism may force the adjustment of the life cycle of the organisms involved in this kind of interaction.


floral resources, animal-plant interactions, caatinga, atlantic forest, Amazonian forest


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How to Cite

Silva, A. G. (2023). Plant-pollinator relationships – an approach to cerrado in comparison to other vegetation types. Natureza Online, 4(1), 14–24. Retrieved from

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