Apolitical conservation, unapparent results


  • Marcelo Sathler Universidade Vila Velha


In many parts of the world, there is evidence of increasing shortage of essential natural resources, which may force humankind to endure general scarcity in the coming decades. Scientific information supports social and environmental complaints, but claims are hardly heeded by government officials. As researchers advocate change, their frustration is noticeable. This paper argues for a new perspective on the conservation of natural resources. To that end, the academic community must change its attitude and focus on identifying the players responsible for public policies, as well as on understanding how these policies are formulated. It is inevitable to acknowledge that biologists, ecologists and conservationists usually lack influence on high-level decisions. Research alone is not able to promote the changes needed by modern civilization. Perhaps the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development will never happen. Nonetheless, the insistence on a notably flawed model is not consistent and a change of attitude is necessary.


Environmental conservation, politics, environmentalism, unsustainability


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Author Biography

Marcelo Sathler, Universidade Vila Velha

Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos Urbanos e Socioambientais - NEUS. Universidade Vila Velha.


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How to Cite

Sathler, M. (2015). Apolitical conservation, unapparent results. Natureza Online, 13(2), 54–55. Retrieved from https://naturezaonline.com.br/revista/article/view/144