Percepção ambiental de uma comunidade pomerana em relação ao uso de agrotóxicos


  • Angela M. D. Chisté Escola de Ensino Superior do Educandário Seráfico São Francisco de Assis
  • Walter L. O. Có Escola de Ensino Superior do Educandário Seráfico São Francisco de Assis


The environment perception of a German community was characterized in relation to the use of pesticides. Thirty- four farmers were interviewed in the locality called Valão de São Lourenço,Santa Teresa County, Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil. The interviewed members were from 14 to 77 years old, and included individuals of both sexes. The interview was based on opened and closed questions. We found that the farmers, especially the older ones, had some knowledge in relation to the damages that pesticides may cause to the human health, as well as to the environment, but their knowledge is not enough to promote prevention or to restrict the use of pesticides. The farmers consider the use of pesticides as essential to guarantee their production. Our results also showed a different perception in relation to the group between 14 to 28 years old. The younger farmers showed less care in relation to the use of pesticides. The results obtained from this study suggest the need for a better interaction between the German community and the local schools, as well as environment educational programs. It is highly recomended the establishment of teaching programs concerning the real danger coming from the indiscriminate use of pesticides.


Enviromental perception, German community, pesticide, Espírito Santo, Brazil


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How to Cite

Chisté, A. M. D., & Có, W. L. O. (2003). Percepção ambiental de uma comunidade pomerana em relação ao uso de agrotóxicos. Natureza Online, 1(1), 7–11. Retrieved from

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